National Standards for Grade Levels 9-14
Have you ever looked at your reflection in a mirror and been confused which side of your body you were viewing? Have you wondered how a periscope works? With Reflection of Light, students study how light rays are reflected to give images back to our eyes. Rectilinear propagation of light, formation of images by plane mirrors, reflected image, virtual image, angle of incidence, and angle of reflection are all investigated using protractors, mirrors, diagramming, measurement, and construction of a simple periscope. Kit includes instructor’s manual, student guides, assessment questions and all required materials. Allow two 45 minute lab periods. Appropriate for any level physics course (including AP) or general science courses. Designed for 12 students working in groups of two. Meets national standards for grades 9-12.
Reflection of Light
- Instructor's Manual with Reproducible Student Data Sheets
- Plane Mirrors
- Protractors
- Rulers
- Cardboard
- Straight Pins
- Pencils
- White Unlined Paper
Sh. wt. 4lbs, DIM 19” x 12” x 5”